Wednesday 17 April 2013


I give thanks for the gift of last night's stretches of sleep between my body and the neighbours being a pain.

For the pleasing things I saw from the bus - cheery cherry blossom, elegant magnolias, flocks of shy primroses, the curving line of pale foam separating the murky brown headlands from the murky grey sea, three ducks coming in to land on a stream, two friends' friendly meeting, a dozing dog in a garden raising an eyebrow as we rumbled past...

For the kindly nurse chasing down the tea trolley for me, the hospitable housekeeper carrying the mug...and that after only causing one horrid swollen vein and bruise the former took my advice and abandoned the back of my hand for my more co-operative inner elbow.

I give thanks for our wonderfully restorative Force Centre surroundings and staff steadying me for the long journey home...and that when I got here I made a quick cuppa and went straight back to bed and slept! Sometimes this feels like giving up or giving in...but sometimes it's the greatest gift you can give yourself...

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