Wednesday 18 September 2013

Bright sides

All that cooking the last couple of days has resulted in being very grateful for little to do in the kitchen today but there still being lovely things to eat. Can't be bad!

I'm grateful that my latest blood tests show I'm meant to feel rubbish and thus can stop worrying I'm becoming a wimp! More joy of sofa to come I guess...there's always a bright side eh? I give thanks that my joints have been less painful the last few days and I've been able to do some knitting...and finish the knitting of the cardigan I began making in the early summer but which was abandoned because summer was too hot both for cardigans and knitting - something for which I had much gratitude at the time. As I was making the design up as I went along I thought it would be a good plan to finish the second front while could remember how the first one was done before starting on winter projects.

I've still got brainwaves coming out of my ears (which is fortunately not a medical condition) and I've been very grateful to Jenny and Laura for helping put some of them into action. Other people acting close by sometimes spurs me on so between us we've got a few jobs done.

I'm grateful I now have the cleanest windows ever. I mean the cleanest these windows have ever been since they were installed, not the cleanest in the history of all windows for all time, but the former is still fine by me! They now have ledge levellers too, these are cunning devices (that to the untrained eye might appear to be painted lengths of 2x1) which allow pots wider than ones that used to hold yoghurt to hold plants on the sills. I also give thanks for Laura and Jenny confirming the Earl Grey tea bread was very good indeed!

Recycling post titles is becoming inevitable now. If you can think of a way of producing a constant supply of relevant and/or witty different one liners you're a better wordsmith than I!

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