Monday 2 September 2013

Occupational therapy

Gorgeous sunset last night. I think everyone for miles around gave thanks for that and I was grateful for the local 'Oracle' Facebook page for encouraging people to send their photos in so I got to see lots of versions of it!

Rachel gave me some almost out of date 'speedy seeds' for salad leaves. 72 hours after sowing they look like this so I've been giving thanks not only for the thought but that they really do do what they say on the packet!

I'm grateful I decided to have an early night on the sofa bed last night, snuggled up catching up with What unusually good non-Nordic noir serial on the BBC. I've always enjoyed 'camping' in my living room sometimes since I had to leave home at 16 and didn't have to try to act normal any more. Tonight it was extra useful not being under the bedroom upstairs as those poor folk were having more barneys and had to go in and out a lot stomping in and out a lot - getting their favourite reconciliation remedies I suppose. Certainly I can hear they've been getting on better today...I hope my vacuuming didn't spoil the moment (much).

I was grateful I felt up to vacuuming as I do prefer clean floors, and managed various other little jobs including taking some recycling down to the communal bins outside...and a chair so I could sit in the sun for a while with some Buddhist chants and a book on meditation techniques. Now that was a good bit! And I've just been grateful for my tea which included roasted beetroot. I've never roasted beetroot before, in fact, it's one of the few vegetables I think I don't like. But I give great thanks for being brave (and being given some for free!) and thus discovering that I like it roasted. That was in the happiness equation wasn't it? No, not beetroot, being curious. Experimentation doesn't have to be food related of course but I'm grateful it's an area in which I still have the odd adventure...

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