Thursday 12 September 2013

Rock chick

The way this trip appeared to fit my random requirements has been cause for much gratitude already but there's always the proof of the pudding isn't there? I've been savouring the flavour on my way home and, as with all the best journeys, will be continuing to do so for some time to come I'm thinking. Physically I'm extremely tired and, I just realised, still rocking gently as if on the boat so brevity and simplicity is of the essence tonight and more musings will follow I'm sure...

I'm grateful I found my stashed cash after discovering I'd not stashed my bank so well hidden even from me I'd begun to wonder if I'd imagined its existence and would have to live on tap water and travel snacks to be able to afford my fares back from the ferry port.

I'm grateful for the cakefest that followed the finding of the money!

Which reminds me: I was very grateful for the delicious nata y nueces helado artesano bought on the brief stop in Santander. And for being briefly in Santander. Leaving an unfamiliar port on Tuesday was an important part of the experience for me but arriving at a well loved, long not visited one had a significance too...

It's a magnificent natural harbour entrance especially with glowering clouds over the peaks but I was grateful for the sight of the home estuary this evening, tide flat out and just mirror pools reflecting the other side...and the occasional duck wake rippling across them.

Right, I can't type straight any more. I give thanks for bath water and a ready meal heating, smooth sheets and a wide bed waiting...

PS. No, I've no looks perfectly normal in the draft and frankly I'm way past caring!

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