Sunday 1 September 2013

Hurts so good

Why do I do it? Why do I occasionally do so much that I need twelve hours sleep afterwards and can still do hardly anything at all next day? I guess it’s not so different from the urges of those who drink so much they are ill with hangovers when they wake up, or who become clinically obese from over eating of junk food ie. the instant gratification seems worth the long term cost. 

It's no good telling folk like that that they could have just one or two drinks once in a while, or a small size burger and fries and coke...they want as much as they can get and they want it now! My craving for the great outdoors is similar and on the rare occasions when I have the various wherewithals to get to it I do tend to steal from the next day’s energy to make the most of it while I can...and then I suffer, but I'm grateful because I can blame the suffering on excess activity and activity that I really enjoyed and, let's face it, a) there's not a lot of that and b) I can feel incapable of moving after none at all! I give thanks for the feelgood factor lingering in my spirit and that it's the same feeling that I used to get after a 'proper', leg stretching, miles in double figures walk when I was well. 

Days like these I give thanks that I only have myself to look after, and that there's only me to look after me too as it's easy to say you can't do stuff when you can but there's willing hands to do it for you. Actually it's no more comfortable lying still so it's good to move around for short periods and that way, as if by magic, food appears and sometimes even the dirt on plates and pans vanishes again! I give thanks for the sound of the steam train's whistle, for the taste of a fresh brewed cup of Earl Grey tea and for something yummy I made with some veggies and cheese and seeds for my lunch plus a fish finger salad sandwich for my tea. I've never had salad in a fish finger sandwich before...impurists might be horrified but I was well impressed!

And I give thanks for thinking of the title of this post and remembering the Luminites audition performance of the song...probably the best version in the world ever, with or without lager...

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