Tuesday 24 September 2013


Well, I'm grateful it seems there was nothing wrong with my bloods after all, and I'd fallen victim to the cumulative effect of a series of admin confusions rather than any health disaster. I'm not complaining...I've had admin confusions cause health disasters in the past and of the two this is preferable. But when I discovered the letter that sparked the chaos was still doing the rounds yesterday and resulting in further unnecessary recalls 'Give me bloody strength!' did seem an appropriate thing to say!

I'm very grateful I went to try out this rather unusual choir last night, after several years of meaning to! I always warn people that if you don't push against the boundaries of your comfort zones they will shrink, and it's important to implement the advice you give to others, but it doesn't come easily to me these days to go out after tea to a brightly lit place to meet twenty five people who know each other already...and try to participate in what they are doing! I gave thanks for a friendly welcome, home made cake and a sociable dog, and four part harmony right down to the bass notes - a sound I always find very moving so I'm grateful I managed not to cry!

Today I've been very tired and achy and I'm assuming this is due to the excursion and exertion but let's face it I can stare at the ceiling rose for two hours (it's polystyrene, don't get jealous!) and still be exhausted the next day so it might not be that at all. I certainly couldn't manage going there every evening but then I don't have to, and I'm certainly up for trying again next week anyway. I'm grateful that though I've not done much I have produced some rather tasty cooking this afternoon, and to Bake Off for not only showing me many things I'm not going to try at home...but also showing me you can roast rhubarb. The depth of flavour is so intense this way I don't think I'll never put it in a saucepan again!

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