Tuesday 22 April 2014

Appliance of not much science

Yesterday evening I gave thanks the sea was a particular colour I associate with sunset and even more so when there was one! By then my tea was ready so I took no photos and you'll just have to take my word for it, though I did take a couple just as the sun sank behind the hill because it's that special time of year - late enough to see it without leaning out of the window but early enough not to be obscured by leaves.

My thoughts about sea colour and sunset are not based on any known scientific fact (ie. not known by me) but don't dismiss the musings of a trainee weather god. As a young child playing outdoors I noticed that the wind blew the leaves upside down just before it rained and spent the ensuing years til almost old ladyhood (ie. last year) mentioning this to people under the assumption that they must know about it too...but everyone looked at me blankly. Then, at last, I saw a TV programme explaining that this does happen and why (ie. sudden change in humidity) and is particularly associated with particular kinds of trees such as maples and poplars...so I guess everyone else was looking at different ones!

You may notice a correlation between things that has not/cannot/will not be proved as in this story I found fascinating about leaded/unleaded petrol and the crime rates...

Or you may be a creature that survives by following natural law and fact by instinct and experience rather than having a learned human confirm it's true...as shown in the beautifully filmed 24hrs on Earth documentary I saw last night. I give thanks for HD TV...

I give thanks for all the cheery folk who greeted me on the way to and from my appointment, and for it being timed at high tide so I could watch a tanker coming in before getting the shopping. I give thanks for a necessarily dozy afternoon afterwards. And, in need of tiger balm rubbed in my back to continue beating this bug, I give thanks for ingeniously creating an applicator from an old spatular, a thumb bandage, a rubber glove and an elastic band!

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