Thursday 24 April 2014

Vision of loveliness

I'm grateful to Jenny for cleaning my windows so I can see out...

I'm grateful to various medical professionals for attempting to correct my vision so that what I see when I do is the same as everyone else - physically that is, I'm perfectly happy with the way I 'see' things in other ways! I'm grateful they've decided to 'watch and wait' the strange things going on rather than call in MRI machines and so on at this stage.

I'm grateful for a list of materials for a craft project in a magazine in the waiting room that said you'd need: 'A computer (or a marker pen)'

I'm grateful I got to the appointment despite some inaccurate information from various sources you might think might get it right such as 'traveline' and the local TIC (who probably got their information from traveline because they all drive cars and don't need to know about buses and things). I'm grateful some forty minutes of the five hour twenty minute round trip was spent on frivolities like refreshments and shopping rather than waiting, and travelling and various sight tests...  And that I went into a shop I'd never been to before and bought exactly what I'd gone in there to buy...even though I'd checked on line and seen they didn't sell it! Psychic shopping eh? And, as predicted, I'm very grateful that I made my tea for tonight last night and it's bubbling away on the stove.

I'm grateful for some pretty views, blossom snow and someone giving me their seat on the train...

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