Monday 21 April 2014

Consider it done

I know a woman whose husband wakes up in the morning and...calm yourselves ladies!...refines his plans for what he'll make for dinner that night. Every day. 'What do you do while he's cooking?' I asked, 'Oh, go on the internet or crochet or something', she said. When I try to imagine this it's like trying to imagine something in a fairy tale. You know, there's a pink unicorn trotting across a fairy bridge or a tower with a princess's plait reaching down to the ground. Maybe it's because to me it would be like being a child again, though in a good way. I give thanks she told me because I like to go to that place in my head where you're doing something you like and someone calls 'Dinner's ready!' Lovely feeling...

On the other hand recently I encountered something that set my mind on a downward spiral, and found I was looking around for something to lift my spirits up again... before I remembered it was me that had lowered them, not the situation, and it was me who would raise them up. Phew, much thanks for that! It's so easy to go off on a negative mental journey isn't it, and layer on unhappy imaginings for the future or miserable memories of the past...or guilt...or anger...or fear...or blame...? I'm grateful I know not to, even if I sometimes forget.

The other day I was wondering what I could read next about the history of things we take for granted. I was drying up at the time (a process also known as dropping cutlery) and found myself considering the fork on the floor and wondering how it had got there (apart from the obvious escape from my feeble clutches) so I give thanks for finding this well written and informative book. I give thanks for the internet and Amazon...

I give thanks for a new series of Come Dine with Me. Well, new to me anyhow. Dave Lamb just gets funnier!

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