Wednesday 16 April 2014

Walls and doors

Can you tell what it is yet? It's a lot less of a dress than I thought it would be by now, and a lot less of a dress than it seems to be from the photo since there's pins and tacking going on, and even some seams that only seem to be at this stage! There are garments that almost seem to make themselves while you're in the other room with a book and a cuppa and a biscuit or two but this is not one of those. It feels as I've done more unpicking than sewing so far...surely that can't be right?

I'm always setting myself little goals to aim for, and perseverance challenges and this afternoon I told myself I'd just keep going til the Tesco man came, but I hit a wall of tiredness and fingerly incompetence beyond which I could not go and gave great thanks that I stopped...especially when I just had a text saying that he'd been delayed.

Despite the bright sunshine, there's been a ferocious and freezing wind the last twenty four hours so I give thanks that I've been indoors most of the day, though not entirely these ones. This morning, by taxi, train and bus, I went to see an exhibition of wild life photography that was very much worth the visit and absurdly exhausting effort. I give thanks for the astonishingly movingly beautiful images, the clever folk that produced them...and the clever planet...

I gave thanks for the pretty scenery on the way, the haze and sparkle and all the yellowy greens, and I was grateful I saw my neighbours on the train and knew not to ring their bell for help when the main door key just went round and round in the lock when I got home. Much gratitude for another neighbour trying to assist, and a delivery driver actually succeeding!

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