Tuesday 1 April 2014

Trying trying again

I give thanks for more practice in non-attachment, particularly to particular outcomes...that's always a tricky one isn't it? Today the very fabric of the universe has failed to meet my expectations - well the fabric of it in my flat anyhow! I've been having a long running difference of opinion with some jersey which has refused to cut out straight, so before I laid myself open to the potential dramas of trying to sew the truculent stuff I thought I'd wash some new flat woven, well behaved cotton before starting using that. I wash by hand at first to see how the colour runs, and one of them it ran and ran but eventually seemed OK to put in the machine with one of those colour run stopping sachets...but it still tinted two other new pieces. So I mixed up some of that some of that oh no, colour run's happened anyway stuff, and tried test pieces on the affected cloth and it looked fine. And so I then mixed up at proper batch of solution, but I don't know if it was too hot or too strong but now both are completely ruined for anything but something you don't see like a cushion lining. Why is this a source of gratitude - well, because it was just a couple of half metres of neither costly nor irreplaceable material...and that I did all this before making it into a garment, of course!

I'm also grateful because I gave something a go, I tried to do something rather than let feeling rubbish lead me to just lie around thinking about that. Similarly for going to choir last night because it didn't make the physical pain any worse and did actually improve my mood. And I'm grateful my warped sense of humour is back because since then the catalogue of domestic mishaps that have plagued me the last couple of days (there've been far more than I've mentioned on here) are beginning to amuse me again rather than make me feel put upon by life. Life just is...it's not doing anything to you personally.

I give thanks that I'm now going to try eating a small meal, as I've had not any appetite today and yesterday, only nibbled small bites of this and that. And for once I'm grateful that nothing on my plate is made from scratch so that if I don't end up eating it at least I've only wasted food, not energy as well.

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