Friday 25 April 2014

Spring leaning

I give thanks for an early night, and I give thanks for earplugs that fit which sure do help if folk around you don't want one too!

I give thanks that the usual post 'exercise' stiffness, aches and cramps have not been as bad as they might be, though my tiredness knows no (leaps or) bounds and I had to have a nap after merely restuffing the last two cushions back in their new cases leaving them pinned and unleanonable for a while. I give thanks that I've finished sewing them up now and can move on to something else. More pudding and another nap perhaps?

And although I didn't (yet?) get round to making simnel cake, I give thanks that I went to get a new bag of flour on Easter Saturday in case I would, and it is the tastiest lightest flour I've ever had. I always use self raising wholemeal for everything whether it's technically right or wrong, and usually get Allinson's because that's what Tesco deliver but the health food shop had Doves Farm organic and I shall be going there again! This afternoon it made me a fluffy crisp topped raspberry and apple Eve's pudding that I'm finding it very hard to leave alone after two servings. A chopped up sad Granny Smith and some frozen berries lightly sugared and cooked in the oven and the resulting juice tipped into the sponge mixture which made it slightly mauve and deliciously tangy...

I give thanks for these incredibly poetic photos of snails. Yes, me, you will never look at molluscs in quite the same way!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your blog post! I stumbled upon your site after searching the Positive News website for an alternative to the world news...something that might make me smile, instead of cringe. I have been meaning to make a gratitude journal and blog, but I'm good at starting, but not so good at following through. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to do so. ps....THANK YOU for the link to the snail portraits they are incredible! Have a good day :)


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