Thursday 17 April 2014

Shedding clouts

I'm grateful the may is out and we can shed some clouts.

I'm grateful (though mystified) that I found a section of beach almost totally deserted today. It was between two groynes, and also between two sets of slopes/steps that maybe somehow channeled people in two opposite directions, but whatever the reason it meant that I could enjoy a peaceful and spacious sit down with a cuppa. It was warm enough in the sun to roll up my sleeves and my trouser legs for the first time this year. Much gratitude for that too.

I'm grateful for snapping up a freshly priced clout in a charity shop before it even got onto the rail. It's unusual to find a ready made non-stretchy garment that fits both my body and my mind and this one isn't quite right, but nothing removing some elastic an adding some lace wouldn't cure. I'm grateful I have just the perfect lace for the job in my drawer and look forward to what should be a quick and simple creative task as I've not reached completion in anything for a while, and much as I love the doing I also love the done, especially it it's something for me and I'm waiting to wear it...

I'm grateful to lovely Linda at the surgery for her friendliness and the offer of a bit of sticky tape for an envelope that wouldn't stick, to Luders for more of their delicious eggs and for the delight on the faces of the ladies at the Fountain when they unwrapped and ate them...

I'm grateful for picking up the frozen and chilled veggie treats from Waitrose I'd promised myself when I'd defrosted the freezer. Not sure if I'll get round to trying them later as I discovered they also sell wholemeal hot cross buns and now I'm rather full! I'm grateful I'm going to shed even more clouts shortly and slither into a fragrant Lush bath after ordering some melty things on line.

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