Sunday 6 April 2014


I've been giving thanks for a day of even murkier weather - miserable some might call it but happy enough for those who don't feel well enough to go out...

I'm grateful for all I've achieved in little instalments including sewing some small pieces of fabric together and cooking a large cauliflower cheese!

I give thanks for a documentary with interesting insights about some aspects of autism from earlier in the week. I was even grateful I completely failed both triangle tests as, despite the expert's assertion that if you think you're a little bit autistic you probably aren't, and they don't give a diagnosis unless they think there's a benefit to doing so, there are some for whom a label saying 'spectrum' would be very helpful, I believe. Those who are upset by unexpected honesty, for a start, or disconcerted by silence when there's an awareness a social lie is expected but no skill in producing one. Even more so though for those who lack that skill and are chastised or ostracised under the assumption they are being deliberately rude, unkind or controversial. If it were better understood who couldn't help it, there maybe wouldn't be so much being rude or unkind back.

I give thanks for this eye-opening article on the effects of the 'missionary position' - further evidence of the trickiness of assumptions...

And for these pictures of a local moonbow

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