Tuesday 29 April 2014

Oh happy day

Some people, when they're suffering, they make everyone around them suffer too, don't they? Today I've been grateful there's no one around and I can get into a fight with fabric instead! I'm grateful, eventually, there was more sewn than unpicked but I needed a nap after that...and my hands were too tired to chop veg so Mr Tesco had to make tea. I'm very grateful he did...

I'm grateful I found out they've discontinued a scenic bus route I planned to go on tomorrow. Although it's made me sad today, it'd have been awful to have found out (thinking I was) en route tomorrow. And actually I'm so tired and achey at the moment it's possible even sitting still and watching pretty parts of the world go by might have been too strenuous for me.

I'm grateful for hearing about the anti-racist campaign where people take pictures of themselves eating bananas after some football fans response to some players http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-27191333 

I'm grateful one of the reasons I'm so fatigued was that I did go to choir yesterday evening, which I knew wasn't going to be the usual practice...but a gospel singing workshop! Oh happy day indeed, although we didn't actually sing that... There are some very highly technically musically trained folk among our number who, I think, missed the debates about the exact length of hemidemisemiquaver rests and the precise deceleration to a rallentando but most of us simple sopranos loved the opportunity to have a good old sing of easy words and melodies, without the encumbrance of a score. For me it was especially delightful not to have to try to hold a score, and turn the pages, and to be on the same page experiencewise as everybody else in the room. And I love those African harmonies, they are buried somewhere deep in my mitochondria because we all come from there, you know...even football fans!

I'm grateful for Tesco apple, peach and pear juice...lovely combination!

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