Wednesday 23 March 2016

Catch a combe

I give thanks for the purplish sunset and butter moon peeping through the clouds last night. For the still murkiness this evening...I was out with reactive glasses on earlier and thought the world would seem brighter when I got on a bus and out of the sneaky sun's rays darkening the lenses, but it didn't!

I give thanks for catching an earlier bus after getting half way to the stop before realising I'd left my purse behind and had to go back up the hill to get it and down again which I achieved with all of two seconds to spare. It's years since I moved that fast and I give thanks years ago I used to be fit and fast so my body vaguely remembers the processes required.

I give thanks for enough hazy sunshine for a pleasant afternoon out with Mima taking the nearby cliff railway she's not been on before to the new bistro they've built on the beach down there which neither of us had been to before. I give thanks it's much nicer than the caff the storm wrecked a couple of years ago - so a fine case of an ill wind I reckon. I give thanks for having tasty tapas type food to share - always my favourite way to eat and a good way to indulge in small amounts of ingredients you're not really supposed to.

What with a cuppa later and a flapjack to share I give thanks we had so much to eat I don't feel the need to make any supper this evening at all. This is particularly appreciated as that bus catching stunt has left me so stiff and fatigued I'm tempted to make a flask of rooibos next time I get up off the sofa so the time after that I don't have to!

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