Sunday 20 March 2016

Not like a virgin

I forgot to mention it was my wedding anniversary yesterday, and how grateful I am not to be married...well, not to that person anyhow! I give thanks for all we can learn from experiencing the 'wrong' relationships. How else do you think I got to be so wise, eh?

I give thanks for this story of love finding a way to make itself happen even when luck seems to be in short supply

I give thanks I don't have a car or I'd be up and down the road to that tip (ahem, sorry, I mean recycling centre of course!) Have you ever used the loo on a Virgin train - the kind that have a list of all the things they'd rather you didn't try to flush down them including junk mail and your ex's sweater? Well, I think of that list when I get purging urges and want to get rid of pretty much everything I can't imagine wanting to look at or use within the immediately foreseeable future. Obviously there's nothing inherently wrong with the desire to declutter - we all hang on to far too much stuff and often for lame and self limiting reasons, but in my experience there's always stuff you're going to want to look at or use pretty much immediately after you've got rid of it so it's good if it has to hang around a while 'til I'm sure. And traditionally, if it hangs around long enough (waiting for someone with a car to give me a lift perhaps) Bob will turn up and mention he's planning to buy one and I can give it to him!

In the meantime I give thanks for the healthy feeling of clearing dead wood - even literally to some extent. Quite why I've got a couple of logs in an all electric flat would take too long to explain but if anyone local has a stove or a campfire that could use them please let me know...

I give thanks for my rummaging turning up some Glucosamine to try for my joints and some tubular bandages to wrap my arms in from wrists to elbow. Can't have a bath in them (boo!) or do the washing up (hooray!) but it does ease the pain to wear them when I can.

I give thanks for a character in a novel I'm reading mentioning that stories don't really have a set place they begin or end. As I writer of fiction I'm aware sometimes the latter especially can be frustrating for one's audience... as well as a mighty fine get out clause for oneself!

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