Friday 15 April 2016

Messenger service

I give thanks for Liz directing me to plans to make a new station closer to aforementioned hospital...and for finding out plans have just been approved subject to removal of a proposed large car park...fine by me!

I give thanks I don't have a colostomy...but, I think because I've donated to their work helping those in the developing world with them, the Colostomy Association sent me a copy of their magazine which was lying on the table as I ate my lunch and I skimmed through it in a 'nothing to interest me here' sort of way. I give thanks for thus spotting an article on parastomal hernias (as I do have one of those)...and finding it interesting, informative and refreshingly non-patronising reading...also for finding out the hospital I prefer to go to is heading up research into causes and solutions...and in fact the article was written by the man I'm going to see about mine!

I give thanks for discovering that Facebook's Messenger app has a free video call feature. I'm not much of a one for phone chatting myself and I'd have to be pretty fond of someone to want to see them while I do so, let alone let them see me au naturel as it were, but I guess this might be useful information for someone somewhere anyhow...

I give thanks despite planning a happily horizontal day I was in fact up and about and fully dressed when Charlie from upstairs arrived to tell me today's leaks were coming from my property not his. I give thanks for him volunteering to help me with initial investigations, and that I pay for an emergency plumbing service who have promised to send someone out to investigate further this evening...

I give thanks I try not to ask for anything, relying on kindnesses freely offered or transactions where money changes hands... so extra thanks that John and Jo know me well enough to know if I do ask I must want whatever it is a lot...and that Colin knows me well enough to know what some of the things I do want but don't ask for might be...

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