Sunday 3 April 2016

Naked truth

I give thanks one of the men I'd most like to get naked for is looking for people to get naked for him again... Who? Why Spencer Tunick of course... Love that guy's work! I suspect he'd prefer people not quite like me however, which is usually the case where nakedness is concerned these days.

Oh, well...I give thanks to Mima for giving me her smart blue coat which would be handy if any occasions to cover my nakedness smartly should come my way a cup of tea and a bun thrown in!

And I give thanks for coming across this while looking for info on the latest Tunick installation. Good read if you're a woman over 50 who's dabbled in internet dating... Maybe not so if you're a chap the writer might have...

I give thanks for tits in the bushes, a robin on the footpath rail and magpies flashing their iridescent plumage outside my kitchen window. I give thanks for the way the view of the bay from the railway bridge always makes me catch my breath in wonder...for the misty moisty weather blurring lines between sea and sky and not just because my glasses got wet!

I give thanks for sorting out a huge bag of assorted yarns I cannot foresee myself using for even a very far seeing future...and for the ones I've kept for projects I'll get round to by and by if my hands co-operate. I give thanks I'm (almost) always full of bright ideas, hopes and dreams and plans and schemes...and a sensible amount of tempering realism too.

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