Monday 18 April 2016

A man you don't meet everyday

I give thanks for the beautiful sunset yesterday, and for going into the kitchen at just the right moment to see it at its best... For trying on a dress I'm altering and having a Fonz at the mirror moment!

I give thanks for being able to stay snug in bed on a chilly weary morning... for having a very strong sense of the presence of someone..and then getting a message from them and realising I'd been on their mind too. For memories of a happy Monday...

I give thanks for a the driver of a huge chocolate biscuit lorry letting me cross the road before he negotiated a very tight narrow bend. Everyone around was riveted... and impressed when he made it on the second go with just slivers of space either side.

I give thanks for the still sea landing on the sand with just the tiniest sighing ripples. ..

I give thanks to Jenny for a lift to the library, a spot of knitting and nattering, catching up and sharing so that I got unwanted jewellery bits from Linda to pass on to Kidney Research and Christine got homeless post Easter bunnies for her bereavement work.

I give thanks for various neighbours making far more noise than I'd like so that I've been forced to fight back and find various random favourite tunes on YouTube. I give thanks for Desmond Dekker and Green Day reminding me I'm never too ill to dance a little bit a least... and for the Pogues giving me a blog post title...

I give thanks I mostly made tea already. I know I gave thanks yesterday but I'm even more grateful today!

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