Sunday 21 August 2016

Tell me why

I give thanks for a Sunday drawing to a close. Some people don't like Mondays I've heard, but thinking about it probably if you don't like one at least you probably prefer the other... I give thanks for remembering that piano intro anyway!

I give thanks for managing to immerse myself in various distractions of varying degrees of purpose and point... I give thanks for household chores for masquerading as occupations with a meaning...but that I don't feel the need to vacuum quite as often as some folk do round here...

I give thanks for finally being satisfied with the sleeve heads on my slomo cardigan. For fiddling about mostly successfully with that dress alteration. For finding some iPlayer and All 4 stuff to enjoy...thank goodness for foreign TV!

I give thanks for fresh air blowing through
my open windows, and being able to shut them when the PA on the seafront blows in them too loudly too...

I give thanks for downloading some apps and loading up some bookmarks on my new to me phone which is exactly the right size to double up as a new to me tablet as well, as my old to me one, like my old to me phone, requires more coaxing to stay functional than I prefer. My new to me phone is almost as big as my Streak..and if you remember my Streak you're an old to me friend as well!

I give thanks for the smell of clean bed linen, and the taste of Tesco's finest clotted cream fudge.

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