Thursday 25 August 2016

The prettiest thistles

It's a nasty old attack of the darkness I'm having at the moment...I give thanks for coming across this article about the role of the immune system and inflammation in depression. The fluctuating state of my body and mind would a fine case study for someone I'm sure, but living it is a tad challenging at times

I give thanks for finding a link to the theme music of Magnifica 7o which I find rather cheerng though they could be singing about doing an oil change on a Volkswagon Beetle for all I know...

I give thanks for getting myself a new nightie from ebay to cheer up my hospital stay, and that I liked it so much when it arrived I've just ordered another the same. Finding 'sleepwear' that doesn't look as if it belongs in a brothel, a nursery or an old peoples' home is always a challenge, especially when you're going to be wearing it all day in a public place where privacy and pride are already in short supply. I give thanks for remembering an elderly lady who arrived on a ward I was on one time wearing hospital issue kit. The nurses were suggesting maybe someone could bring her an alternative garment from home or the shop but she was insisting she didn't wear nighties 'Is it pajamas you prefer dear? Do you like to sleep in pajamas?' they asked, several times, rather loudly (she was a little hard of hearing) 'Oh no!' She boomed back, sounding quite horrified, 'Nude!'

For this article reminding me why I wanted to be a social anthropologist - heavens, humans are strange creatures indeed...

For those lemons I bought yesterday having the most delicious flavour I ever remember a lemon having...and for being able to satisfy to a sudden desperate urge for cake while watching GBBO with a warm buttered cherry scone, greatly baked by Tesco's... For these pretty prickly things which caught my eye on the sea front the other day and reminded me of the Hazards of Love

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