Monday 12 March 2018

Just another day

I give thanks for another lazy morning. A lot of the time ill health is a strenuous battle with symptoms and their repercussions and restructions, procedures, appointments, pain and stress and waiting, and chasing prescriptions around...but sometimes you get a few hours off to read a book!

I give thanks for dragging my reluctance out later, not least because I had a Body Shop birthday voucher about to expire and I'd
run out of, as per above, there's always meds to pick up.

I give thanks for the brisk wind blowing gaps in the cloud along so spotlights of sunshine sped across the land and water. For a sinuous train, snaking along a curvy bit of track. For remembering my Buddhist chants and a squirt of perfume on my scarf as a bus ride may be a feast for the eyes but the ears and nose can suffer quite an assault!

For dropping a five pound note and managing to catch up and step on it as it skittered off down the pavement.

For Cauldron bangers and mash for tea, an almost sunset tinting the edge of dark grey clouds with peach... and a bit of clear blue sky in between.

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