Tuesday 6 March 2018

Tubular bells

I might have called this one Lifted if I'd come across any functional elevators today... I give thanks for my joints being relatively kind at the moment!

I give thanks for waking before my alarm. I hate having to set it as I never seem to sleep very deeply when I do...until just before it goes off of course! For the surprisingly warm sunshine at the bus stop...and the bus not being too late, though late enough for a mad dash across the hospital site as the kidney unit is almost as far from the main road bus stop as it can be. The only further point is the mortuary but you usually get there a different way.

I give thanks for being patient with the sometimes rather trying staff there who, I'm aware, are probably under the impression they are being patient with me! For a plan C, a different surgeon again to try it...and a date set for it already, what with it being a bit urgent and all. This is great because I can get on with planning other stuff instead of everything being if and but...

I give thanks for the energy for much bustling about afterwards, including the purchase of Sosmix from the great city wholefood store, and the unwrapping of an Autochop purchased from eBay when I got home. The 70s are alive and well round here!

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