Thursday 1 March 2018

You can leave your hat on

I give thanks for a little jersey beanie I bought as a lining for a crochet hat I've yet to make. Apart from when I've been in bed or the bath it's been a fixture on my head for the last twenty four hours!

I give thanks for Laura phoning to see if I was OK and, as she and Nick were coming into to town before the weather really set in, to see if I needed anything. When I mentioned I was just wondering if I could fix the broken heater she offered to pick one up from her house and bring it round, so I've now a little one for the bedroom and hall as well as a medium one for the living room. They give out less warmth than I'm used to but even more heat would feel like less at the moment and I am so grateful for the thoughtfulness...and for more cosiness than last night.

I give thanks so far the only other casualty here is my kitchen sink the outflow of which is buried in a snowdrift so I suspect frozen solid... No more washing up for a couple of days is fine by me!

I give thanks the neighbour who rashly took his car out earlier and then couldn't get it into a parking space when he came back has managed, after many many attempts to get it out of the roadway in case anyone else is daft or desperate enough to try to use it. And for the ones who went out on foot and then couldn't open their iced up patio door finally found a way to get in.

I give thanks for managing to do some creative things in between all the ingesting copious calories and gawping out the window...although those bits were pretty good too!

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