Saturday 13 October 2018

Paint it black

This morning I gave thanks for lying in bed listening to the wind and not too much rain before I had to get up for my flu jab. If you imagine being 'on the sick' is all dossing around think again! Never mind, I give thanks though I had to stop listening to the weather and go out in it at least I didn't have to listen to Mr Upstairs swearing at the pigeons. Poor chap, he does suffer so...I wonder if he realises and appreciates how quiet I try to be - absolutely no cooing when he is at home!

After an unusually good sleep, and feeling unusually well and energetic by even my death defying standards, I give thanks I could go to the surgery via the scenic route to admire the ragged clouds and churning sea. For dear Dr Becky being the one I was appointed to do the deed so we could have a catch up chat. She expressed astonishment at my exuberance and apparent good health and I said I was beginning to wonder if the long standing joke that I have Afro-Caribbean heritage might actually be true. This is based on what are a few random coincidences like failing the pencil test for 'white' hair (except when I had alopecia!), lack of lunulae on my finger nails and a common Bahamian birth name...but GFR is calculated slightly differently if you are of different ethnicity, so she got the reference immediately and urged me to take a DNA test to help solve the mystery. I give thanks I plan to when I can spare the cash!

I give thanks for putting my strength to good use and buying some of the heavier shopping items I'm running out of. I'm still trying to empty the shelves and cupboards just in case I have to carry all my foodstuffs down the hill, but beginning to miss some favourite ingredients Mr Tesco usually brings. One of these is Rice Dream rice milk. I've been looking everywhere in town and today I looked everywhere again with my bags getting weightier and weightier with each store I visited, so I give thanks for finally ran some to ground...and eventually a taxi too.

I give thanks for making my bed and lying in it this afternoon...and having a little nap! There has to be some dossing here and there... For making a pan if dhal a couple of days ago so it was ready for me!

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