Friday 26 October 2018


I give thanks for surviving (and enjoying) a busy evening and another busy day though we were both flagging by the time it was time to get trains home. I give thanks I'd reserved a seat on mine as it was very full and the tea trolley was unable to trundle up and down the aisles. I give thanks it was stuck just a few rows back from me so I could help myself!

I give thanks for our delicious Greek meal last night - and for finally giving up and asking passers by where the restaurant was as Googlemaps kept sending us round in circles instead of up some stairs! For our comfortable room in such a friendly hotel and for not waking Jan up dealing with some particularly evil attacks of cramp in the night. For a restful morning enjoying city views and the changing sky including the moon on its way to bed...

I give thanks for a walk in the park where we came across a sunny physic garden with comfy seats for a cuppa, a fascinating ferry ride with all manner of barges and boats to admire, and eventually finding somewhere we could both eat things on the menu and didn't have to queue for hours to do so. For coping with the museum piece toilets (in the museum, funnily enough!) with glass windows in the doors to the waiting area and between the stalls! OK, it was obscure glass with a bubble texture, but there was still pretty limited privacy... For free freshly popped corn in the hotel foyer when we went back to pick up our bags and were getting tired and cold and needed a pick-me-up, and for the driver of the last bus, stuck in a jam on a roundabout, asking if anyone wanted the station and taking us on an alternative route to get to it!

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