Thursday 15 November 2018

Fog on the Tyne

I give thanks I misread things sometimes and thus keep seeing headlines about a 'daft' deal!

I give thanks I like to shop local where possible (well, on the local bus routes anyway) but there are no stores that cover all bases. Tesco is my favourite for hummus and organic everyday groceries plus it seems to be the only place in the county that sells Oatly vegan custard which is pretty much the nicest and most kidney friendly there is! Sainsbury's is best for veggie mince and samosas, Morrisons for bread, the health food shop here for flour and oats and another independent one in a nearby town for tinned fruit and chamomile tea bags. It's tough trying to get around them all but I guess modern life is designed for (healthy) folks with cars... or not very discerning tastebuds... or, let's be honest, probably both! Oh well, I give thanks at least it gives me a purpose in life attempting to keep acceptably fed...

I give thanks though my toes and thumbs were very sore the bits in between were mostly OK today and, as I can only haul so much up the stairs at one time, I could go out for some more hunting and gathering. For the day becoming increasingly murky as that set off the autumn colours so well. For forewarning from the weather forecasts that the temperature will be dropping next week so to carry as much as I can before the shiver factor makes everything so much more hard work. For a rare trip to Lidl's where I bought a fine selection of bargain priced light weight items to try and clocked some more for another bagful sometime.

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