Tuesday 13 November 2018

Monster mash

You can't eat them so enjoy them some other way. Today I give thanks for repurposing some small green sprouting potatoes as printing blocks. Well trying to anyway - it being an if-you-don't-succeed-at-first-find-something-else-to-fail-at kind of time in my life! I give thanks for discovering I'm much better at carving potatoes than I thought I'd be... and a lot worse at holding them so painty potatoes kept bouncing around and making a miserable mess! I really did enjoy it though and have resolved to have another go with better shaped spuds, lighter fabric so the colours show and a larger work surface so the material doesn't keep slipping off onto my lap.

After the clearing up I gave thanks for a jar of ready made curry sauce to quickly add some veg and chickpeas and rice...as this reminded me why I don't buy such conveniences! Ugh, it was gross! I give thanks I'm hopeful I can add some stuff (flavour perhaps?) to make it more bearable tomorrow.

I give thanks for some bright news among the gloomy update from the dietician ie. that Oatly's divine custard (which I like better than both dairy or soya versions) is probably better for me than either of those two are...

I give thanks the GP who rang up to tell me how dreadful another part of  my blood test was meant well... It's impossible for people to grasp how little I care as long as I feel OK, because they're not used to people with these numbers feeling OK I guess. I give thanks I feel OK. Pretty low in spirits because I've stopped taking the happy pills so all manner of hurting is back, and my future's looking kind of dim, but hey...well enough to be wondering what to have for tea and where to sneak in a lyric.

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