Wednesday 28 November 2018

Last Christmas

Oh poop! Those lovely charity cards I ordered were out of stock. It seemed a bit like the last Christmas straw and I give thanks for remembering there is a sackload more can go wrong before then and I'm just going to have to bah humbug through whatever comes my way.

I give thanks for trying to be a good little vendor and help the solicitor sort out the chaos that comes from (in her words) leaving my case on the back burner. I give thanks I have some compassion for her as she's clearly getting in a flap sending me emails without referred to attachments or attachments without accompanying queries, and urging me to email other people at addresses that don't work...but even more for not getting in a flap myself not least because it's EPO day and I need to have my blood pressure low when I inject myself. If she can't sort it all out and over the next couple of days there's not really anything I can do to save the situation anyway. Best to work on saving my sanity methinks...

I give thanks for feeling stronger than yesterday. Lolling in the bath with a book or on the sofa with the TV while the wind howls and the rain patters has still been the most appealing 'activity' but that's mid winter for you! I give thanks I've managed to stay awake and have even done some household chores. I even feel almost motivated to cook myself some cake/pudding. I give thanks if I think about this enough my taste buds will take control and order me into the kitchen!

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