Sunday 18 November 2018

I guess that's why they call it the blues

Yay, I give thanks the sun came out for the final day of the music festival in town. I give thanks for all the happy punters with the money, energy, mobility and social skills to attend the various events and for the ferocious breeze for sending some of the sounds up the hill.

After a bad night with various discomforts and some rather unpleasant dreams I give thanks for being able to take a long time to get going today...and then for not going very far. I give thanks I did eventually get to sea the churning sea, and walked around some of the less popular paths in the park - well, less popular with humans anyway, there were numerous birds and squirrels! I give thanks for the light on the various coloured leaves and sounds of trickling water between the ponds, and watching the eddies of leaves rise as a fat wood pigeon flapped about on the path. For the few folk I came across reacting to my smiles and hellos with blank stares as, although a greeting back would have been lovely, I didn't feel like having a chat and clearly came across as even less charming than I usually do. For the shapes and shades in this photo...

The ongoing uncertainty about moving, the growing fear that the process is going to grind to an expensive halt, the constant background panic about the state of my health and the usual low spirits I get when days are dark and the coming season seems anything but festive are not making for a jolly mood so I give special thanks to these pictures of design fails for making me laugh out loud.

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