Friday 7 December 2018

Real gone kid

I give thanks that I have emptied the flat, cleaned it and handed in the keys. It's going to take a while for it to sink in that I'm starting a whole new chapter in my life! For the friendly and helpful removal guys making it go so smoothly and speedily, and for Mima for bringing some hot homemade soup and dessert just as they were finishing so I could be refreshed to carry on. She helped with the cleaning and fetching and carrying too...and brought me some thoughtful housewarming gifts, all very welcome! To Christine and Michael for coming and collecting the last plant pots and tell me how much they are enjoying having my small jungle and are inspired to start one of their own.

I give thanks for chains of coincidence. While I was dashing around trying to sort stuff out for moving into temporary accommodation on Wednesday night after hearing Adam (my buyer) had finally bought my flat, Adam (my cousin) sent me a message. Now this is rare, we might like or comment on each other's Facebook posts now and then but we don't exchange chat. Anyway he was asking if I could remember the address of the house I lived in as a young teenager because he's making a (beautiful) hand drawn picture book of places he has lived...and he and his folks moved in with us there too when they sold the place they were living in before they could buy another! This morning on Facebook a 'memory' came up of a photo of me pretending to drive a dumper truck just round the corner from this house from around the same time. I'd originally posted the picture 6 years ago in response to a reference to the same passage of our lives by Adam's brother Simon!

Anyway, I must be gone, away from the virtual desk and devices to practice bathing in a small size tub and watching TV without pause, fast forward and rewind. First world problems, I know...

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