Wednesday 19 December 2018

Whisky in the jar

Tell you a good thing about hanging about for buses in the dreary weather yesterday - it made me very grateful when they turned up! I was also grateful so many other people have cars because the streams of head and tail lights looked so pretty through the rain streaming down the windows. And for people having rooves and gardens and fences to decorate with seasonal displays for my further entertainment. I was also grateful to get indoors at the end of it even if indoors seems far from 'home'. And a good thing about not having a proper home is that it's easier to treat yourself to ready made food when you're out instead of struggling to shop for and cook it. Yesterday I had half a goat's cheese sandwich for my lunch in transit and brought the remainder home to toast for my tea with leftover stew. Delicious!

I give thanks for the end of term feeling that came with the last of the medical and financial matters over for over a week (I hope!) and for celebrating with a wee dram of whisky liqueur - in a trifle type dessert of course! For discovering I really do have a cough and cold because I so rarely get them and it's actually a pleasant change to have something the matter with me that others can understand. For promising myself a long lie in after coughing so much in the night...and for being philosophical when my landlords messaged me to say they had some more repairs to do this morning and then set off the fire alarm! I got up and put clean sheets on the bed instead and promised myself a nap when I got home later.

I give thanks for a nice lunch and chat with members of the Revive group and then dashing off to pick up specs and take tea and cake with the crafters. And yes I really did dash as it was tipping it down and I didn't have my mac what with the weather being so pleasant when I left! I give thanks for doing exactly as planned when I get home, stripping off wet clothing and catching some zees. And, though I forgot to pick up cough medicine, for the vile tasting Olbas oil pastilles I bought the other day being quite effective. I'm very aware everyone in the building must know I need them...

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