Friday 17 May 2019


So, is it worth being on dialysis for the tea trolley that comes round about half way through? Well no, but I sure am grateful when it does, especially when they have shortbread biscuits and the tea is freshly brewed! I give thanks for the cheery person who served me and gentle folk putting the needles in and taking them out - some are rather heavy handed and I try not to flinch when I see them coming.

Gosh, what else? I give thanks for silent cab drivers so I could enjoy my thoughts and observations. For observing a buzzard almost concealed in the new leaves of a tall tree by the roadside. For some leftover homemade carrot and coriander soup when I got home as it's a murky and chilly evening. For a plan to have something a bit wicked for my 'proper' tea in a bit, ready made and full of tasty potassium!

I give thanks my worst toe nail has been particularly sore today to help me convince myself I've done the right thing booking surgery for that, and for Mima responding to my Facebook plea for someone to drive me home afterwards as although technically I could go on a bus you're supposed to keep off your feet as much as possible and wear open toed shoes to fit the big dressings in and I'd be terrified of someone banging into them or worse! I give thanks I also have my formal letter about the fistula operation the week before. It's local anaesthetic too so I can eat and drink beforehand and as I'm on dialysis I'm entitled to free transport to and fro which is a great help as it's on a Monday and I'll have to have my treatment beforehand which means I need to be there at silly o'clock. There's a nice cafe right by the unit there so I can stock up with goodies to keep me going through the long day, and Julie has said she'll come round in the evening and check I'm fit for purpose.

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