Wednesday 29 May 2019


There's been a lot of lateness and waiting in my day so I give thanks for my patience and sense of humour. One of the nurses even thanked me for the latter brightening up her day which was nice! I give thanks for trying to be nice to the young patient who gave me a great deal of grief in the waiting room for using my phone and thus polluting the air with bad energy. I was trying to start writing my blog, catching up with an online conversation and looking out for a text from the taxi to say he was on his way and I was a little taken aback by his vehemence, explaining I don't use it all the time. You see you're trying to defend yourself he was saying you don't realise how addicted you are. Look at it clutched in your hand. How old are you? 61? Unbelieveable! Bless him, he seemed to be blissfully unaware there are other kinds of bad energy and though he did bring me down I was still grateful I had tried to spend my day spreading the good sort, even to him.

I was late both waking and getting up so I was very grateful I managed to catch up with myself enough to put another coat of tile paint on the decorative bathroom ones that don't go with the decoration I have in mind for in there. I'm trying to get as much work done as I can before the ops on my arm and feet next month as they will slow me down I'm sure, but I'm getting so tired pushing myself to keep doing a little bit more that getting home nearly two hours late today was a was the Higgedy pie I'd already bought for my tea by curious forethought it seems. I was very grateful when the cab driver finally did turn up - a man I'd met a couple of times before who is inclined to give a lecture himself - he didn't seem to be in the mood to.

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