Monday 1 July 2019


I'm very grateful when I'd made my lunch this morning I went on to make my tea. I'd a feeling it might be a long afternoon and I might appreciate having some ready to cook...and it was and I was indeed!

I give thanks after that I did a few other things I could maybe have left until tonight, partly because it's nice to come home to clean tidy flat and partly because now I've eaten my tea I really can't be bothered. Besides, there's tennis on TV! There's been tennis on TV for hours of course but though I managed to find some on the overhead set to watch earlier, a senior member of staff asked if they could 'borrow' the remote control to see which sets were working and neither he nor it was ever seen again, so when the match I was enjoying changed to a different channel I couldn't follow it. I was grateful I've iplayer on my tablet and a good internet signal but then the person taking me off the machine didn't shut off one of the valves properly so I got showered in blood and had more important things to attend to, trying to keep the splashes in one area. I give thanks my cardigan which was on my lap got the worst of it and the lady who had made it happen took it away promising to wash it for me. I'm grateful it was secondhand when I got it so it's no big deal if she doesn't succeed in getting it clean. Oh and that my consultant was working late so when I passed her office on the way to the loo I could thank her for her letter and update her that I'm still having trouble getting staff to do what she recommended at my last appointment.

I've been tired today after busy weekend days and disturbed nights, and I have to get up early tomorrow to see a different specialist so gave great thanks for twenty winks earlier. Forty would have been better but it was busy on the ward too, and rather noisy with it....

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