Tuesday 2 July 2019


Mmm, what a lovely day not to have dialysis, I think I'll go to the hospital for something else instead...said no one ever! I wasn't even a tiny bit grateful to have to get up early to attend to surgical and personal needs before responding to my summons to see the chap who removed my tumorous parts and who up to three years ago was still regularly scanning my body for signs of any more. I had been expecting to hear from him two years ago but when I didn't well, delightful man though he is, I really didn't mind that I'd been forgotten about. If it doesn't seem to be broke let's not look for something that might be seems to be reasonable to me...but not to a new-to-me consultant who did a review of my notes a while ago and decreed we should meet again.

I did give thanks for the beautiful weather and view while waiting for the train. For the smelly man next to me reminding me to find the pomander bracelet Rachel gave me for Christmas last year, and for the whingeing women across the aisle for reminding me to put some Imee Ooi in my ears for tranquility. Rather a lot of this was needed one way and another, although, sure I'd have a while to wait for my appointment, I completely tuned out my name being called a few minutes after I arrived.

I give thanks it was a genuine joy to see him, despite serious background concerns over what he might say. But it seems scan wise it really is all over unless I'm worried by any symptoms or pain and so we could have a nice chat instead, about the injury that laid him off, the problems with the mindset of many of his colleagues, mutual acquaintances...and the fact that he still cites me as an example of you never can tell! Leaving it that it had been good to meet up but for the best of reasons we'd be happy not to do so again was strange but true, and something to be very grateful for too.

I give thanks I didn't realise the bus stop by the supermarket on the way home was out of service, for if I had I'd have rethought stopping off on the way back to pick up something rather heavy from Argos. I was truly grateful for the town service picking me and it up from outside the store afterwards instead of having to walk back to where I alighted.  Oh and for successfully sidestepping pushchairs, wheelchairs, walking sticks, dogs on elastic, and people who just looked way too weighty to be allowed anywhere near my toes!

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