Wednesday 3 July 2019


Waiting for a late taxi to take me to hospital today I gave thanks for the pleasant sunshine, for working out why two women seemed to be doing a relay race past me carrying three ice cream cones in each hand one way and nothing on the way back - it turned out they were treating a party of small schoolchildren waiting on a wall in the park! I asked the universe to send me a nice man in a sports car but the universe had other plans and sent me a woman who couldn't work out where I lived so I had to scuttle down the road after her. When I got to the ward however I discovered the universe had been preparing a wonderful treat - as there were no patients needing isolation or special care I could have one of the side rooms and enjoy more privacy and peace and quiet, I could even hear the working TV which I tuned to Wimbledon channels of course. Goodness me how grateful I was, it was the best dialysis session ever, a bit like home treatment would have been except someone brought me tea and biscuits! My treatment started in good time so I could get the scheduled transport home instead of staying late, I managed to persuade someone to give me my prescribed drugs... and added to that there was that Friday feeling as for me the weekend starts here. Ideal!

I was sad last night when I heard John and Jo can't come down to stay after all, and struggled for a while to think of aspects of this for which I could give thanks. Then I remembered that being reminded not to have expectations, or be attached to outcomes is always a precious lesson. And to be grateful there are people I've known for so long who do still want to spend time with me - precious too, and extremely rare in my life...also, and this may sound strange, that the visit was cancelled due to John's poor health not mine. I wouldn't wish illness on anyone, least of all a friend, but if I'd not been well enough to have time off treatment or enjoy company I would have been very seriously sick indeed!

I give thanks I did a lot of stuff before I left home as I woke up early and was sure there'd be all the delays there have been lately and wanted to come home to some comfort. I even sorted out a ready meal so I wouldn't have to cook but would feel someone had made my tea. Oxytocin on a stick today has been and I am grateful for the warm fuzzy feeling this brings,,,

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