Wednesday 24 June 2020


I give thanks for Julie volunteering to come and do some top of the ladder jobs in the spare room today. I'd done some reorganising in there to make room for her to put the ladder up, piling up boxes and bags, so I wasn't too surprised when I heard a strange slithery noise from that direction while I was in the kitchen and thought the heap had fallen down. When the next sound was a tentative voice calling hello? I don't know which of us were more wasn't a falling bin bag but one full of rubbish just inside the front door being pushed along as she opened it. She'd not thought to tell me she had the day off, and as I thought she would be coming after work as usual I'd not thought to tell her what time I'd be leaving.  I was grateful to see her though and for a posy of roses she'd bought me on the way!

I give thanks for my local health food store putting together an order for me, and for my home help who can't help me at home helpfully saying she'd collect it...when we can work out which of their two sets of published opening hours are true! For Jo and Keith dropping off a bag of Co op favourites too yesterday. Mmmm, extra creamy coleslaw for my tea and their Fair Trade chamomile before bed...

It's been a day of confusion with times...the nurse had trouble working out when my treatment should finish and couldn't hear my calculations through my new extra thick mask (now altered to fit better) mask...and I was so busy concentrating on the minutes I didn't realise they had me down for an extra hour! For managing to get that sorted just in time for the correct finish, but when they changed my transport time the car came straight away instead of in twenty minutes as expected. I give thanks due to my haemoglobin level being unusually high lately (ie normal for a normal person not just acceptable renal level) my blood clotted quickly and I was all ready to head out the door...when I had to explain for the umpteemth time to another nurse why I was weighing more leaving than arriving. Although they would too if they had lunch and tea and biscuits in between getting on the scales they cannot grasp that someone needing dialysis doesn't need a couple of kilos of fluid removing every time. To be fair that's another way in which I'm not normal....

I give thanks for remembering The Man With Two Brains!

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