Monday 8 June 2020


I give thanks for the ladybird crawling around on my patchwork coverlet this morning. I still experience a childish delight in ladybirds (and indeed many other creatures, sights and phenomena) for which I'm grateful as a lot of more appropriately adult delights seem to have either passed me by or completely lack appeal.

For remembering the excited way I spotted a jet crossing the sky a couple of weeks ago. And remembering at the time that years ago they were actually quite a novelty...

For the pretty mottled clouds as the sun broke through when waiting on the pavement for my driver, and for him having both a face mask and a screen between the front and back seats. They have been asked to take precautions with us delicate souls but it's optional so many don't.

For a little build up of traffic causing him to go a slightly different route from the norm so I had a few minutes to savour some variety. For the better view of the large ships parked in the bay as we came down the hill to the main road.

For asking the universe (as usual) to help me be nicer to those who exasperate me. Don't know how successful this was but the extra conscious breaths and relaxation techniques gave me good blood pressure any how!

For unexpected rain this afternoon, bringing with it coolness. I'd wondered if the roasted cauliflower and chickpea soup I made yesterday might be a tad wintery for this evening, but it's going to be exactly right!

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