Monday 1 June 2020


I give thanks for catching up with Donna's Yoga Nidra session yesterday evening. I'd thought I might fall asleep as I often do, especially being particularly tired, but luckily I was also particularly achey which kept me awake and I give thanks for that too for a change!

For the permitted emergence of the extremely vulnerable and, after hearing two of my fellow patients complaining that they couldn't meet six people or go to a restaurant, for remembering how lucky I am that at least some of the time I remember I'm lucky...

For a full contingent of housekeeping staff on the unit resulting hot and timely cups of tea again.

For hearing from Jo that she'd inadvertently drowned her phone but as she'd thus been unable to take any Waitrose requests had picked me up some Cauldron sausages anyway!

For the sunny, warm and, most importantly, almost empty park beckoning when I escaped from a disorganised and dreary dialysis day and dispiriting driver who always says when the weather is warm it's a shame you can't enjoy it. For the babbling brook, and quacking ducks soothing my troubles away, and for returning refreshed and ready to potter about with neglected sewing jobs.

For my extensive library of Loose Ends recordings introducing me to the poetry of Brian Bilston. I'd seen one about Dominic Cummings before on Facebook but there was so much shared about Dominic Cummings at the time I didn't notice who it was by!

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