Thursday 11 June 2020


Oh my goodness I was grateful for leftover stew for a fast food tea on a nippy drippy evening! For winning a lengthy battle with a tin of rhubarb and rustling up a cracking crumble too for more nurturing food to fill up some corners before having to go hungry for a chunk of today. For the recent discovery I can have canned rhubarb sometimes as I'm rather partial to it, and the fresh sort I have to be nutritionally distant from!

I give thanks for managing to get back to sleep after sorting out another early morning disconnection incident...and for setting my alarm so it woke me up in time for phone triage from the oncologist a few hours later. For finding a usefully timed future Tesco slot to fill with groceries while I sipped my morning tea in preparation for her call.

I give thanks for successfully completing the pre departure chores I'd set myself for maximum comfort on my return including remaking the bed and making my tea...and for successfully completing negotiations to re arrange transport when mine didn't turn up, plus the appointment I wasn't going to be able to turn up for, and later incomprehensible tangle of muddles about getting home! I truly am grateful I temporarily have access to free taxis to get to and from non-renal appointments but it would be so much easier if I had the patient held budget I'd almost arranged pre-Covid and could talk to the companies myself!I give thanks for a driver I knew with a fancy pants car on the way in as we could chat...but also for the silent driver with non-tinted back windows on the way home so I could enjoy the view. For his home made screen between the front and back seats held on with pretty metallic map pins, and for the moped in front of us making the journey very slow so I had time to really appreciate the scenery!

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