Monday 12 April 2021


Every cell in my body was giving thanks this morning for a decent amount of shut-eye! It's been such a rarity these last few weeks as though my strained muscles are improving day by day they still get very uncomfortable at night in bed. It was lovely to get to the sleep state where I could dream again. I had one of the ones where you think you're awake and try to turn on the bedside light. It was really hard to move and, still dreaming, thought to myself 'Oh, sleep paralysis!'. When I finally got to the switch the bulb was dim and flickering so I tried the other side and when that didn't work at all I went and tried other switches and sockets ending up on my knees with a torch fiddling with the fuse box. This time my dream consciousness commented 'You're such a bloke!'. Awake later in a shop I remembered I needed batteries for that torch...and then remembered I only owned it in the dream!

I give thanks for only going to shops that were open last week and therefore essential! For a Gregg's vegan sausage roll to supplement my packed lunch as being rested sure does help with being hungry...and a rather nice (five) pound casserole dish that took my eye in Poundland previously when I wasn't in a position to purchase. For a new rack arriving so I can stack plates vertically under the slope of the eave which was always the mistress plan for the kitchen but was hindered by not being able to find the right bit of kit. That was from Amazon - sorry I know it's not the best way to buy but sometimes it has to be done. It also had to be done that I bought some other items to get free delivery and one of them was a certain much loved album 'rumoured' to be forty-four years old which for some reason I've never actually owned! Cue a bit of granny dancing and a memo from my shoulder not to waggle my warms around!

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