Sunday 2 May 2021


So yesterday was particularly rough for a first day after immunotherapy but this morning I woke up feeling unusually well for a second, so I'm taking that as a win! Results of my liveliness included rustling up a batch of pancakes for breakfast, doing some laundry and washing up, popping out twice between the showers, making polenta chips to have for lunch, unpacking a Sainsbury's delivery and getting some sewing jobs done. I was grateful for all of the above, plus the late afternoon nap that followed - don't think I'll be moving around a great deal for the rest of the day!

I give thanks for craving a date slice (which is naughty) but the long queue at the baker's meaning I couldn't even see if there were any for sale. For walking on up to the community cafe where a range of second hand items and new refreshments are available for the donation of your choice. There I could avail myself of a blueberry muffin (which is well behaved) and a paperback novel that caught my eye. For feeling my donation was generous - I hope they thought so too!

For the delivery driver being so cheery. For no need to buy lettuce for a while. I give thanks the pandemic has led to a second season of windowsill gardening. No digging, no slugs, and just the right size for renal limitations!

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