Wednesday 15 September 2021


Talk is cheap, and though the word on the virtual street might be that I'm always perky and positive, some days my emotional resistance is very low. This morning, after more than the usual amount of limitations and frustrations, malfunctions of my body and various inanimate objects ( to say nothing of the world in general!) not being able to buy one of those delicious spicy pasties at the best baker's as they were 'waiting for some to come in' almost had me in tears, so I was very grateful (after a short sulk in the park) for going to a less prestigious bun shop where they had a pasty with the exact same long name for a whole pound less. Obviously I had to buy one to try one, and only had a little nibble as I wanted it for the morning, but there seems to be no discernible difference except the price so I reckon that's where I'll be getting them from from now long as they aren't waiting for them to come in too! Clearly not in house baking is it? Oh well, I give thanks for finding something so lush...and for a slab of durable but hopefully edible cake to go with it for a picnic lunch tomorrow - whether I feel strong enough to make it to the great outdoors or partake of it semi horizontal on the sofa.

I give thanks for applying myself to various applications over the last twenty four hours - new railcard, warm home discount, access to the mycare system - all of which require a wait to see if the process has been successful or more hoops have to be clambered through. For trying out some new furniture paint which failed all tests of ease of application, but showed considerable skill at leaping out of a jar of water in which used brushes were soaking and soaking the bathroom floor. I give thanks I have sealed tiles...and old towels! For finally signing up to Audible after waiting for them to improve their offer to 99p for the first month and free for the next two...For finding Parasite to watch on the Prime 99p deal (great movie if you like dark!) and one more film for tonight before I cancel. For a quick and easy supper, a telefest and a long soak in the bath on the agenda for the evening.

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