Sunday 19 September 2021


I give thanks for spotting a rather lovely sunset last night. It has to be a good one that spreads to within my line of sight from the sofa to know to stand up and look out to the right. For a reasonable sleep by steroid standards, waking up when it wasn't still dark, and for a bit of a lie in in the daylight. It's been a busy week!

For a restful and restorative morning pottering around in my nightie crafting and cooking, tidying up and reading my book. For noughties club music livening me up. 

For my psychic shopping skills still working perfectly despite lack of practice recently due to the various contemporary complications. The trick is to review the retail possibilities for an intended purchase and be drawn to the right shop without needing to traipse around. In this instance the original intended purchase was a new bin for Mima's new kitchen that met very particular criteria, but since making the plan to go to a particular store I found myself in the market for one too, with another set of special requirements - and both were there!

I give thanks for a clifftop mini picnic enjoying the sweeping views across the bay before deciding I felt fit enough to go down the woody path to the sea and along the rocky one to the next cove. It's the longest joined up walk I've done for ages and a favourite spot so such a delight - except for my knees and poorly ankle! I was very grateful the cliff railway was still running as just getting up the incline to its lower station was a struggle and I'd never have made it to the top otherwise. For the preciousness of it being possible to do something once taken for granted, and not take it for granted this time...and the sense of having a proper job day out even though it was just half an afternoon and really rather close to home. 

I give thanks for being home now with my tea already made ready to be heated up, and water heating up for my bath. I need to get my sore bits soaking and soothed and safely arranged on the sofa... 

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