Saturday 28 April 2012


Don’t get over excited’s not the ‘real’ Mary Beard in the comments box but it looks good there all the same eh? As for my ‘ostomate’ chum he seems to have deleted his profile from the site which I think it a tad excessive. I think it’s more than a mere blocking as our previous correspondence has disappeared too. How bizarre. A simple ‘I’ve changed my mind about talking to you’ would have sufficed, don’t you think? Oh well, I hope he feels better for it anyway. Someone did suggest the man I was talking to on the seafront yesterday may have had some sort of mental health problem too. Now hang on a are reading this aren’t you? Therefore you either think I have something of interest to say or you have some deeper sickness than I have and just want to secretly mock the afflicted. Think on, ha ha!

I’m grateful for getting the few chores I’d set myself done. Sitting down I’ve ironed bedding ready to have a go at putting it on the bed tomorrow. I’ve made things to eat and eaten them even though I’m feeling rather queasy and wan...and washed up too! And I’ve written a few words of a story I’ve been working on. I give thanks for a letter from Kostas and that he hasn't been picked for am execution date yet and for Dan saying he was grateful for me mentioning that I was grateful to him. I’m grateful for a glimpse of  pinky mauve (lilac?) lilac in a hedge at the front and for the back yard bluebells that are loving this weather and keeping their heads up above all the other greenery growing lush (If you can go to a really bluebelly place then do!). Ooh and I’m really grateful for remembering that The Bridge is on tonight! I heard of an ‘intellectual’ debate as to whether Nordic Noir crime/political drama really is good or whether we just think it is because it comes from elsewhere. OK, I’m going to start another about whether intellectuals have anything of value to say or whether they just spent too long at university learning how to ‘discuss’ things on paper that don’t really matter at all...


  1. well it was the 'real" Mary Beard, if that's me, which it is I think.. ! Promise!

  2. Hmmm. Well, I'm willing to accept your name is really Mary Beard, but that you're the one last seen in a very public toilet just stretches my incredulity too far! Perhaps you could say something academic and Romanesque to prove it...or tell me something that will be on the programme tomorrow that no one else will know! Whoever you are, I'm happy you took the time to read my blog and comment...


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