Wednesday 18 April 2012

Spilt milk

Well it's a good job I worked out a record plan for those programmes as I fell asleep before the end of the first. I woke up a few times briefly during the ones that followed and then zzzzed off again before I could move. At half past midnight I managed to stay awake long enough to get to the bedroom but then I thought I'd have a little 'rest' before getting undressed and was soon zzzzing again. It wasn't til half past one that I managed to perform the nightly essentials...and no, I don't mean cleanse, tone and moisturise!

Much gratitude for being able to sleep when's one of those many luxuries we tend to forget actually is one. For a long lie in this morning listening to the wind and waves. For crumpets with proper butter. For spilling milk on the floor...not the rug or the chair or my raincoat draped over the back of it! For my third month's free trial of internet security...I'm happy to pay for one when I've chosen but it's great to be able to try before you buy...

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