Thursday 5 April 2012

Wonder window

I hope all my friends (and family!) north of here are keeping cosy, safe and warm. I hope that you can stay home and drink hot chocolate ie. that your electricity is still on!

Yesterday evening one of the bands of storm cloud hovered over the edge of the land for a while creating a stunning effect of dark silhouetted branches against pale turquoise water and white light sky. Later, after nightfall, the almost full moon illuminating the sea had me catch my breath as it always does when I catch a glimpse. Today the sea and sky are almost exactly the same pale grey and it's only when the waves break into foam you really spot the difference. I give thanks for my wonder windows and all that I see.

Three people have offered to visit today...fitting me in before the long weekend I guess, for which I'm grateful, but four is too many (Jenny is already scheduled to come and clean the bathroom, vacuum the floors and iron my clean pajamas - yippee!) so I've had to ask some if they mind rescheduling. I really appreciate people offering to pick up a bit of shopping on the way. How thoughtful! Soon I'm going to run out of cash though and then I'll have to get out of the flat so that is good. Hopefully by then I'll have an offer of a lift and can ask for a drive by the sea!

I'm not going to give you much in the way of recuperative updates. Talking about health matters more than is absolutely necessary (ie. to professionals or perhaps to someone with exactly the same condition to pool knowledge) is, always seems to me, such a waste of our precious time. Our bodily malfunctions demand enough attention as it is - don't let's spend talk time on them too! I'm not interested in pushing myself or aiming for any particular goals. I'm mostly looking after myself in a situation when most people don't feel capable. That's wondrous enough!


  1. Hope you get your drive by the sea soon,
    My thanks today is for electricity! Our friend (Shents) just North from me was without it for 25hrs until last night, and a farmer just up the road lost 4 of his new born lambs due to the snow, this weather just isn't normal! So I'm very grateful to be warm and cosy today, and I hope you are too.
    Lynn x

  2. Your view in the evening sounds wonderful! Hope that you get your trip by the sea, and are able to get out of the flay when you need to. Have a good holiday, and take good care of yourself!

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