Monday 30 April 2012

See the sea

I'm grateful I went out to see the sea close to without getting blown away or wet...

Three days ago it was blue and smooth and stripy...

This afternoon, though much calmer than earlier in the day, still heaving and hurling itself at the shore...

Love it any way at all, ha ha!

I'm grateful for getting my in town shopping and chores done fairly easily...small town = less choice = less faffing around!

I'm grateful for being home once if someone could put the kettle on that would be just perfect! In fact while you're there could you start the dinner too...

I'm grateful for a new book to read chosen by me ie. not borrowed or come across in a charity shop. Actually technically it's second I give thanks for Amazon too!

I'm grateful I don't have to do anything else today if I don't want to...I don't do I?

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